♦ Conf. dr. Dana Bădulescu
Permanent members of the centre
♦ Prof. dr. Rodica Albu
♦ Prof. dr. Odette Blumenfeld
♦ Prof. dr. Anca Cehan
♦ Prof. dr. Ștefan Colibaba
♦ Prof. dr. Codrin Liviu Cuțitaru
♦ Prof. dr. Rodica Dimitriu
♦ Prof. dr. Oana Macari
♦ Prof. dr. Adrian Poruciuc
♦ Conf. dr. Radu Andriescu
♦ Conf. dr. Dragoș Avădanei
♦ Conf. dr. Oana Cogeanu-Haraga
♦ Conf. dr. Laura Cuțitaru
♦ Conf. dr. Daniela Doboș
♦ Conf. dr. Teodora Ghivirigă
♦ Conf. dr. Dragoș Zetu
♦ Lect. dr. Lorelei Caraman
♦ Lect. dr. Sorina Ciobanu
♦ Lect. dr. Irina Chirica
♦ Lect. dr. Oana Franțescu
♦ Lect. dr. Florin Irimia
♦ Lect. dr. Crina Leon
♦ Lect. dr. Florina Năstase
♦ Lect. dr. Veronica Popescu
♦ Lect. dr. Norbert Poruciuc
♦ Asist. dr. Ștefana Iosif
♦ Asist. dr. Mădălina Mandici
♦ Asist. dr. Alexandra-Maria Vrînceanu
Associate members of the centre:
♦ Narcis Apostu (PhD student)
♦ Dr. Laura Carasevici (Post-Doc)
♦ Teodora Drișcu (PhD student)
♦ Estera Federciuc (PhD student)
♦ Ștefan Ghiran (PhD student)
♦ Daniel Nedelcu (PhD student)
♦ Dr. Cătălin Nicolau (Post-Doc)
♦ Dr. Cristina-Maria Misievici (Post-Doc)
♦ Ioana Stoian (PhD student)
♦ Laura Stoica (PhD student)
♦ Dr. Violeta Tănase (Post-Doc)